There are many methods of predicting the future

Everyone is curious about the future. This curiosity can be satisfied by many divination methods. These methods are not only popular in India but also around the globe. Each method is unique and has its own characteristics and procedures. Let's look at some of these methods.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology, one of the most important systems of Indian Astrology, is one. It is part of Vedas, and is known as the Eyes of the Vedas. It uses the birth-chart to predict the future.

  • This method can be used to predict the future. It is important to know the date, time and place of birth.

  • Vedic astrology can help you to determine the future, past, and present.

  • You can see their influence on destiny and karma. Yogas are important in the handling of any kind of matter. The dasha and antardasha planets also play an important part.

  • Good yogas can be formed in a kundali. Even though planets are strong, a person may not receive auspicious results if varg kundali is weak. This is why varg kundalis are so important in vedic astrology.

  • Varg kundalis are also very important in the birth horoscope. In this case, auspicious results are not possible if a planet is weak in varg Kunali and strong in birth Horoscope.

  • With the aid of varg Kunali, ascendant, its lord, and related houses and their lords are analysed.

Take, for example:

Children saptansh Kundli is analysed. That's why fifth house, fifth house, and fifth house lord are all analyzed. The situation of the fifth house lord in birth horoscope can be seen in seventh house lord. Only then can we draw a conclusion.

Jaimini Astrology

Both Maharishi Parashara (Jaimini) are part of the same time period. They developed separate systems of astrology that were based on the same principles. Jaimini Astrology, which is popular in South India, is very similar to Vedic Astrology. It has its own rules and principles.

  • As Parashari astrologers, the Astrologers who use Jaimini astrology to predict the future are also quite successful.

  • Jaimini astrology is a different kind of astrology. Jaimini astrology differs from vedic astrology. Instead of the positions of planets, this is where dashayein of Rashis is considered.

  • Consider the scenario of all twelve zodiac. Only seven planets out of all the planets are considered important.

  • Jaimini Astrology is of paramount importance because if someone doesn't know their birth date, they can make decisions for themselves. This study has provided many explanations of dashayein.

  • Just like jaimini char dasha, manduk dasha, jaimini sthir dasha, navansh dasha etc. There are many other dashayein, but these are the only ones that are used.

Jaimini Char Dasha is the most well-known in Jaimini Astrology. This dasha is the most common of all the dashas. Each dasha of Jaimini Astrology has its own calculations. One thing is common is that all the dashas are of the zodiac sign. Jaimini Astrology refers to the dashayein as being of Zodiac signs. This sequence shows the dashas for all twelve signs. The rashi present in ascendant at the time of birth is the mahadasha. There are two ways to determine the year of dasha.

Horary Astrology

Horary Astrology uses questions to determine the best astrological method. This method can be used by anyone who doesn't know their birth date, place of birth, or time. This method determines the Ascendant based on the planetary positions at that time. This method will give you the answers to your questions. It doesn't use rigid mathematical methods such as Vedic Astrology. It doesn't include calculations such as Pratyantara Dasha, Anterdasha, Vimshottari Dasha and Anterdasha.

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