The Modern Age Of Astrology With Rajesh shrimali
Astrology is a meme and it's growing in the growing, unfurling manner that memes are. On social media, astrology-meme machines have tens or hundreds of thousands of followers people make fun of Mercury retrograde and categorize "the signs" as ..." practically any animal: cat breeds, Oscar Wilde quotes, Stranger Things characters, and types of French fries. In online magazines weekly, daily, and monthly horoscopes, as well as lists of the zodiac are popular.
It's not the first time that astrology has had, and it will not become the only one. The practice has been in use in many forms over hundreds of years. In recent times it was apparent that the New Age movement of the 1960s and 1970s brought with it an abundance from the Zodiac. (Some are also referring to the New Age as the "Age of Aquarius"--the two-decade period following the Earth is believed to shift towards Aquarius. Aquarius signs.)
In the years between when the New Age boom and now, astrology did not disappear--you could often find horoscopes on the back of magazines, it "went back to being a little bit more in the background," says Chani Nicholas an astrologer who lives in Los Angeles. "Then there's something that's occurred over the past five years that has created an energy and a significance for the current moment and time, which hasn't been seen in more than 35 years. The millennial generation has taken this and take it to the next level."
Many of the people I spoke to for this piece reported that they felt the stigma that astrology has brought to it is still present it has waned since the practice gained a place in the online world particularly for younger people.
"Over the past two years, we've really seen a reframing of New Age practices, very much geared toward a Millennial and young Gen X quotient," says Lucie Greene, the world-wide director for J. Walter Thompson's Intelligence Group, which tracks and anticipates trends in culture.
Callie Beusman, a senior editor at Broadly She says that The site's horoscopes traffic "has grown really exponentially." Stella Bugbee, the editor and president for The Cut, says that a typical horoscope posting on the website saw 150 percent more visitors in 2017 than in the previous year.
In a way it's a perfect fit to the digital age. There's a relatively low threshold to enter, and an almost limitless amount of depths to explore when you're feeling like falling into the Google-research rut. The accessibility of more detailed information on the internet has given this astrology-related wave the ability to be eloquent--more jokes about Saturn return, but fewer "Hey baby, what's your sign?" Pick-up lines.
An overview of the subject on the subject: Astrology isn't an exact science. There's no proof that a person's zodiac sign actually correlates with one's personality. However, the system does have its own logic. Astrology assigns significance to the location of suns, moon and the planets in 12 areas of the sky, which are known as the Zodiac signs. Most likely, you recognize the sun's sign which is the most well-known zodiac sign even whether you're not an expert in astrology. It's determined by where the sun was at your birthday. However, the position of the moon as well as each additional planet during the exact time and place at the time of birth provides colors to the image you as painted through the chart you call your "birth chart."
The children of today and their memes are the perfect backdrop for the study of astrology."
What horoscopes are meant to provide is an insight into which planets and planets you are up to currently, as well as in the near future and how that impacts every sign. "Think of the planets as a cocktail party," says Susan Miller, the popular Astrologer who started Astrology Zone. Astrology Zone website. "You may have three people chatting while two are in the corner, and Venus and Mars could be kissing one their partners. I must make sense of these conversations that are occurring every month to you."
Astrologers are constantly trying to distill these huge concepts into digestible bits of information," says Nicholas. "The kids these days and their memes are like the perfect context for astrology."
Astrology reveals complex concepts about life cycles, personality and patterns of relationships through the shorthand used by the zodiac and planets. Shorthand is also useful on the internet, where shorthand and symbols are frequently integrated into communications.
"Let me state first that I consider astrology a cultural or psychological phenomenon," not a scientific one Bertram Malle, a social cognitive scientist at Brown University, told me in an email. But "full-fledged astrology"--that goes beyond newspaper-style sun-sign horoscopes--"provides a powerful vocabulary to capture not only personality and temperament but also life's challenges and opportunities. If you can simply master this vocabulary it could be attractive as a way to represent (not providing explanations or predictions of) life's experiences and things, as well as identifying ways to deal with them."
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